10 to 4 … a great outdoor event

Mount Kenya 10to4 Mountain Bike Challenge – Check out the new Video

Fly540 10to4 MTB Challenge – Check out our new video! Is this email not displaying correctly?
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Watch our new video – https://youtu.be/3ItQw4k7yrk – be inspired to enter the Fly540 10to4!

Remember to catch the early bird rate by entering before December 17th. Go online www.10to4.org for all details.

Thankyou to all of those companies that have agreed to sponsor so far including: Fly540, Highlands, Tropic Air, BATUK, BAYER, Farwell Consultants, Equinox Flowers, Borana Conservancy & Agventure.

If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact eventmanager for details.

MKT & RVA played host to youtube sensation Danny MacAskill & his predecesor, Hans ‘No Way’ Rey as they acclimatized to high altitude on Mount Kenya. They made it to Lenana at 16,355ft, the 3rd highest peak.

Check out Danny in action in his latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_7k3fnxPq0

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Copyright © 2016 Mount Kenya Trust, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have been involved or interested in the Mount Kenya Trust and its flagship fundraiser – The 10to4 Mountain Bike Challenge.
Our mailing address is:
Mount Kenya TrustTuraco Farm
PO Box 690
Nanyuki 10400 Kenya
