Meet Heidi Siefkas …

I ‘met’ Heidi when she was promoting the .travel domain in its early days and eTN for which I contribute content from Eastern, Central, parts of Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean islands, embraced that domain as our email contacts show.Heidi has moved to Hawaii, which is also the home of eTN of course, and is now about to release her third book. When she asked to give her some added exposure, I thought that is what friends are for, so here we go … meet Heidi Siefkas, traveller, survivor and author …

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VIP Pre-Release of With New Eyes

My second book, With New Eyes, will be officially released to the world after Labor Day. As a VIP, I would like to give you the opportunity to get your pre-release print copy and assist me in promotion. As an indie author, it will take reader reviews, social media shares, and photos tagged with #WithNewEyes to spread the powerful message of this thought-provoking self-discovery memoir.

Get your copy of With New Eyes today

With New Eyes: The Power of Perspective Needs Your Review
With New Eyes by Heidi Siefkas

With New Eyes – Book Critics & Reader Reviews

"With New Eyes is recommended for readers who want insights into the process of self-discovery and creating a new life. Feisty and thought-provoking, it’s a saga that starts from the point of losing everything and rebuilds a life, taking its readers along for an exhilarating ride in the process!"
– D. Donovan of Midwest Book Review

"This sequel to When All Balls Drop picked up the thread to reveal what happens after a year of life-changing trauma. What a fabulous one-two punch for this sassy author. Enjoyable to the last drop."
-Barbara Patton

With New Eyes Needs Your Review!
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If you haven’t read my debut memoir, When All Balls Drop,

1) Please purchase a copy, take an afternoon or evening, pour a glass or two of wine, and enjoy the inspirational story.

2) Help me spread the powerful message of my story by writing a review. (Come on I’m not asking for your first born child!Throw me a bone! I am giving your a good excuse to read a good book and drink wine!)

Get your copy of When All Balls Drop and review it!

Get Both Books!
Thank you!

Your reviews, comments, and photos reinforce the bold decision I made to share my powerful story of survival and life change.

Here’s to looking up!


Heidi Siefkas, Author & Adventurer

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