13 days and counting. Which island festival is taking place on the 15th of August?


(Posted 02nd August 2015)

La Digue island’s big day, the annual ‘Feast of Assumption’ is now less than two weeks away and resorts, hotels, guest houses, self-catering establishments and holiday apartments are said to be fully booked already.

Thousands of Seychellois make the trip to La Digue every year, the Seychelles’ being a predominantly Catholic country, to pray and celebrate this day and 2015 again expects record crowds. The local organizing committee has reportedly met with a delegation from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, led by Minister Alain St. Ange, himself born on La Digue, accompanied by senior ministry and tourism board staff, to iron out any last minute issues ahead of the 15th of August celebrations.

The ferries, while expected to at least double the number of trips that day, are also expected to be crammed to capacity and tourist visitors intend to join the celebration are best advised to make immediate arrangements with their DMC’s or travel agents unless they risk to be left behind. Private boats and yachts will equally be drafted in to make sure that maximum capacity is provided for trips to La Digue that weekend.

It is understood from a now regular source on the island that many island residents have stepped up to accommodate friends and relatives coming from the main island of Mahe or the sister island of Praslin to La Digue to allow more people to stay overnight, especially in view of this year’s big day falling on a Saturday.

The Feast of Assumption is one of the Seychelles’ main events in their annual festival calendar and of course THE event on La Digue.

For added information about the festival and about Destination Seychelles click on www.seychelles.travel