2019 State of the Conservancies in Kenya Report now available

The Northern Rangelands Trust


presents the

2019 State of Conservancies Report

Dear ATCNews Readers, hujambo!

It is with great pleasure and pride that I share with you our 2019 NRT State of Conservancies Report, available to download here to in high resolution, or available on our website from tomorrow (4th February).

You’ll see it’s been a great year for community-led livelihoods development, with the BeadWORKS businesswomen earning a 94% increase in income compared to 2018, over 3,000 students receiving bursaries, and over 740 youth and women accessing vocational training through their community conservancies. Alongside this, the critically endangered hirola antelope in Ishaqbini Community Conservancy (Garissa County) continue to thrive, and the first of Reteti’s rescued elephants were returned to the wild (and are now interacting with wild herds). Sightings of Grevy’s zebra and elephant in conservancies are increasing too.

None of this work would be possible without our partnerships; particularly our long-term core programme supporters – USAID, The Nature Conservancy and DANIDA, whose funding runs through almost all of the impacts set out in this report. Newer partnerships with the EU, AFD and the Swedish Embassy are making great impact too, and support from San Diego Zoo Global, Fauna and Flora International, Tusk Trust, Conservation International and many others continues to be so very valued.

Asanteni sana,

Tom Lalampaa,