(Posted 21st January 2014)
When some of the Gulf’s leading airlines launched their early new year sales campaigns, promoting festivals and generally flooding the market with special fares, the usual suspects were swift in lambasting Kenya Airways – any reason apparently will do for them – for ‘sitting pretty and doing nitty’ as one put it following a post yesterday on my blog. Well, KQ was swift to respond when they themselves launched their own ‘The Big KQ Annual Sale’ action which will see their fares to a number of destinations drop by 25 percent for tickets purchased during the first week of February and with travel to be completed by 31st of May this year.
Connecting Africa with much of Europe, the Gulf, India and the South and Far East, Kenya Airways is one of the continent’s leading carriers and presently set for sustained expansion with the delivery this year of several of the long awaited B787 Dreamliners – the first is due to join the fleet in March – at least two more B777-300ER and several B787-800NG’s while at the same time set to retire their aged fleet of B767’s.
The first Dreamliner is presently on the production line in Everett and the team in Embakasi, according to feedback received over the past few days, is rightly excited with the prospect to becoming Africa’s second airline to fly the world’s most advanced plane from April onwards.
Meanwhile though will the present sales initiative help to fill seats, helping no doubt to put Kenya as a destination back on the map and boost arrival numbers after a decline in tourism arrivals last year. For more information visit or go to to learn more about the destination, the safari parks and the sun drenched beaches along the Kenyan coast.