It is all about food this week on Reunion


(Posted 26th September 2015)

Reunion is presently staging the Festival of Gastronomy until the 28th of September to celebrate the unique cuisine of this French region, found deep in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar.

IRT, short of Ile de la Reunion Tourisme has partnered with a number of private sector participants to highlight the different style of cooking, local recipes and the unique blend of the Creole cuisine found across the island which makes visits to Reunion so different from other French regions.

This year has IRT brought three German journalists to the island to sample not just the island’s natural attractions and tourism offerings but also indulge in good food, aplenty of course, and then report their findings in the German travel and mainstream media.

The three are Ms. Sylvia Jost, who writes for the daily BZ (270.000 copies a day) and whose articles are also posted on the website and via her own foodblog

Mr. Robert Kieffer writes for the hugely respected daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (340,000 copies a day) and of course via the company’s website

The third of the journalists is Ms. Katja Nicole Gartz, who freelances for the Hamburger Abendblatt (, the FAZ ( and Weltreisejournal (

All three are acknowledge experts in their field and will no doubt seek to set their palates alight with the Creole creations, spiced to perfection and made using organic homegrown ingredients from the farms of the island.

For more information on the Festival of Gastronomy and Taste click one or else visit for general details about Reunion’s tourism attractions.