50 High Profile Kenyans Write to Tanzanian President about Hunting Ban


(Posted 19th March 2024)


Courtesy of African Elephant News / Stenews and Samia Suluhu Hassan, Nairobi Leo.co.ke



Three big tuskers from the Amboseli area killed acros the border in Tanzania in recent times


50 high-profile Kenyans have teamed up to submit a petition to Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

Led by award-winning conservationist Paula Kahumbu, they appealed to President Suluhu to impose a ban on the hunting of elephants.

This weekend I worked with a group of nearly 50 high profile Kenya-based individuals and organizations in crafting and launching an Avaaz campaign to Tanzania’s President Suluhu to ban hunting of elephants in the Kenya cross border area in order to save the Amboseli elephants,” Paula stated.

The conservative lamented that the lives of elephants crossing the border were at risk claiming that the Tanzanian administration had issued licences to some hunters.

Four more elephant trophy hunting permits have recently been issued and we could lose a significant part of the Amboseli big Tusker genes if we don’t stop this,” she added.

In the petition, they noted that the targeted elephants are males in their reproductive prime and, with tusks symbolizing their grandeur.

They insisted that the hunting of these individuals undermines conservation efforts, disrupts the social structure of elephant communities, and poses a significant threat to the future of this population.

Specifically, we appeal to you to formalize regulations to ban hunting of elephants in Enduimet Wildlife Management Area, Narco Ranch, Longido GCA, Lake Natron East GCA, and Lake Natron North GCA and collaborate with Kenya to find alternative conservation strategies that ensure the Amboseli elephants’ protection, preserving them as a shared heritage and a testament to our collective commitment to conservation.

The 50 high-profile Kenyans insisted that imposing a ban was the only viable option.

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