5th Africa Business Forum chooses Addis Ababa as venue city


(Posted 10th January 2017)

The 5th edition of the Africa Business Forum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia will be held for the second time in Ethiopia on the 01st of March at the Sheraton Hotel under the Patronage of Sheikh Mohammed Al Amoudi, one of the largest investors in Africa, Forbes ranked billionaire and Ethiopia’s biggest employer. Prior to the conference, the Africa Business Forum B2B Investment Meeting (www.AfricaBusinessForum.com) will be held on the 25th of January 2017 at the Dubai World Trade Center Tower, to welcome potential investors to Africa.

Since its creation in 2014 has the The Africa Business Forum become one of the most important bi-annual gatherings in Africa and the Middle East. Africa Business Forum presents an opportunity for investors to connect with clients from across industries and from around the world. An opportunity to maximize market share by building connections with African customers and partners. The conference will host distinguished panelists and speakers, including ambassadors, high government officials, business leaders, investors and CEOs. Keynote speakers and conference panelists include:

Fitsum Arega – Director General of the Ethiopian Investment Commission – Ethiopia Government.
Belachew Fikre, PhD – Deputy Commissioner – Ethiopian Investment Commission – Ethiopia Government.
Yohannes Tilahun – Former CEO to General Electric (Ethiopia) and Adviser to the commissioner at Ethiopian Investment Commission.
Zemedeneh Negatu Country Managing Partner for EY (Ernest & Young) Ethiopia, and among “The Top 15 CEOs of Africa to watch in 2015? by the London-based African Business magazine.
Johnny Muteba – CEO, Pan African Chamber of Commerce.
Craig Bridgman – Former Global Head of Investment Banking for Clarkson Capital Markets, currently Executive Chairman of East Africa Oil Field Services and Founder of Adamantine Energy and who sits on a number of advisory boards.
Seyoum Bereded – CEO Consopia Consulting Services and President of the ICT Association of Ethiopia.

We are very excited about the level of enthusiasm we have received from speakers, sponsors and attendees for this unique conference‘ said Rashed Ahmed, founder and Chairman of Africa Business Forum. ‘We look forward to bringing together the many business leaders and offering international companies considerable opportunities to enter and become successful in one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The 5th Africa Business Forum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is an incredible convening center for global stakeholders and an opportunity to share perspectives on the issues facing global business and beyond‘ he then added.

The panel topics at the 5th Africa Business Forum represent the areas of Tourism, Hospitality & Real Estate, Finance & Capital Investment, ICT, Agriculture & Mining, Power & Energy, Consumer Goods & General Trade, Logistics & Aviation, Infrastructure, Manufacturing and related industries.

More information about the event is available via their website (www.AfricaBusinessForum.com).