Important Updates From
The Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership (MKEWP) |
Marvin Githuku, part of the MKEWP team, joined participants in the challenging five-day walk along the Ewaso Nyiro River where together they engaged numerous communities around Kipsing, Oldonyiro, Koija Ranch, Westgate, Kalama and Archers Post. |
Photo Credit: Marvin Githuku (Picture taken at Westgate Conservancy)
Dear Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H.,
Local Community and MKEWP Members Voice Concerns At The 2017 Camel Caravan
The Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership (MKEWP) was proud to have participated in the 2017 edition of the Ewaso Nyiro Camel Caravan. Marvin Githuku, part of the MKEWP team, joined participants in the challenging five-day walk along the Ewaso Nyiro River where together they engaged numerous communities around Kipsing, Oldonyiro, Koija Ranch, Westgate, Kalama and Archers Post.
During the walk, local community and MKEWP members voiced their concerns about challenges facing the Ewaso landscape, some of which were as follows:
- The proposed mega dam construction, they insisted, would block the river and lead to a dry Ewaso Nyiro River. Steps must be taken to ensure that this does not happen.
- Sand harvesting along the banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River must be curbed.
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Why You Should Stop Sitting On The Fence About
Supporting The LRVC 2017 |
If we succeed in vaccinating 70% of Laikipia’s total dog population for three consecutive years, the disease will be eliminated in the canine population – and, subsequently, in humans. But this will not be possible without your help.
The 2017 LRVC is more important than ever and we are working to vaccinate 10,000 dogs before the end of this year.
An all-volunteer labour force of vets and university students will be combing Laikipia from November 3rd to December 9th (weekends only). 8 teams have been assembled and we’re looking for funds to help them reach many parts of Laikipia to reach our goal. |
Children display their vaccination cards during the 2016 LRVC |
To date, we’ve raised more than 50% of the Kshs 2.4M (USD$ 24, 000) needed to make this Rabies Vaccination Campaign a success, but we still need your help! |
The GGR Is Back
And It Promises To be Bigger Than Ever! |
We are excited to announce that the Great Grevy’s Rally (GGR) is back! The event’s organising committee that includes: Grevy’s Zebra Trust, Kenya Wildlife Service, Laikipia Wildlife Forum, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Marwell Wildlife, Northern Rangelands Trust, Samburu Trust, Saint Louis Zoo (USA), and Princeton University (USA); has already put wheels in motion to organise the second census of the endangered Grevy’s zebra. The zebra census, also includes the participation of conservancy managers, county government officials, community members and tourism operators. |
The event, set to take place on the 27th and 28th of January 2018 will be even more exciting for participants as it aims to not only record the number of individual Grevy’s zebra, but also reticulated giraffe and their distribution across the landscape shared with pastoral communities in Laikipia, Isiolo, Samburu, Marsabit and Meru Counties.
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Ol Lentille Conservancy Participates In
Important Governance Model Exercise |
?Special effort was made to listen to the perceptions of women within each of the conservancies group ranches. |
The effort focused on better understanding the governance of the Ol Lentille model, and focused on the collection of feedback from key informant interviews and focus groups that included community conservancy members. This effort is guided by eleven commonly accepted principles of good governance, and is being conducted by IIED internationally, with four other sites in Kenya participating.
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H.E. Governor Nderitu Muriithi (3rd from left) took office in September 2017 and promises to be hands on with CIDPs
As County Governments move to consolidate their organisation and new appointments of County Executives, the pressure on them to complete their Sector Plans and County Integrated Development Plans is accelerating.
Sector Plans are the tools by which Counties lay out a road map of priority programs and projects for the next 10 years. Key sectors for us are (1) Environment, Natural Resources and Water; (2) Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; (3) Trade and Tourism; (4) Infrastructure and Lands (including land use and spatial planning).
LWF has assigned a dedicated individual to work with each of the County Planning Departments to assist with the development of their CIDP. 5 counties are being provided this assistance – Samburu, Isiolo, Baringo, Marsabit and Laikipia. Through these assignments, we are working to map out the Sector and CIDP planning process so that our best available information is included in their development.
LWF has assigned a dedicated individual to work with each of the County Planning Departments to assist with the development of their CIDP. 5 counties are being provided this assistance – Samburu, Isiolo, Baringo, Marsabit and Laikipia. Through these assignments, we are working to map out the Sector and CIDP planning process so that our best available information is included in their development.
We are also helping to make sure that the public is aware of the timetable for these documents and can participate in their development and review.
For more information, kindly contact Margaret Wambua on margaret.wambua, or our CIDP leaders:
- Vincent Makokha – for Baringo, Marsabit and Samburu: vincent.makokha
- Glinis Kigera – for Laikipia and Isiolo: glinis
This CIDP development effort is led by LWF with the support of the Northern Rangelands Trust, the FAO Community Land Project, the AHADI Project, the ASAL Stakeholders Forum/NDMA, and the Mpala Research Center.
Stay tuned for Sector Planning and CIDP Planning schedules for each County.
Remember: Stay Engaged! Get Informed! |
Watch this space for regular updates! |
Be Engaged! Stay Involved! Join the conversation by following the Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership (@MKEWP) on
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@_mkewp)
#MajiYetuJukumuLetu |
Final Report on Kenya’s Wildlife Corridors and Dispersal Areas
For those of you who have been waiting, you can now access the final report produced by KWS on Kenya’s wildlife corridors and dispersal areas here. This was a legal requirement under the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act. The information is expected to be used when assessing land use, spatial planning, and large infrastructure development.

For more information please contact:
Kenya Wildlife Service
Tel: +254 (20) 2379407, +254 (20) 6002345,+254 (20) 020-2379408,+254 020-2379409,+254 020-2379410,+254 020-2379411,+254 020-2379412,+254 020 020-2379413,+254 020-2379414
Call Center: 0800 597 000 or 0800 221 5566
Email Address: kws |