A Window on Zambia

Gill Staden to rewire ‘A Window on Zambia‘ website

Dear ATC Readers,

Gill, well known authors of ‘Beyond the Victoria Falls‘ and publisher of the bi-weekly news broadcast you can enjoy here on a regular basis, has just shared the following mail with us:

I have been asked to put the information from A Window on Zambia onto a website. I have therefore been working on it for the past month or so. It is not finished yet. I am sure it will be a constant work in progress. I am learning as I go along.

I now need your help to bump the website up the ranking on search engines. Also, if you have time, I would appreciate some feedback.

There are two sections. Along the top are the destinations and on the right hand side are months of the year with some of the superb photos taken in Zambia and posted on Facebook.

I am hoping that the website will be a welcome addition to promoting tourism to Zambia. However, it won’t reach potential tourists until it is seen on searches. So, please click on the link below and, if you remember … click on it every day!


Please help Gill to accomplish this task and in the process provide more news updates from Zambia.