A year and counting for the expected total solar eclipse on Reunion island


(Posted 02nd September 2015)

In a year, on the 01st of September 2016 to be precise, will Reunion island be experiencing a total eclipse of the sun, lasting for a projected three hours from start to end. The event is due to last from about 12.20 hrs local time to about 15.40 hrs local time, which is GMT+4. The peak of the darkness is projected to take place around 14.10 hrs, a perfect mid day situation which will allow spectators to get the best sightings in return for their long journey to Reunion.

This French Indian Ocean island will be one of the best spots to see the eclipse and subsequently are thousands of additional visitors expected, very likely taking up every single room to be had across Reunion.

Anyone wishing to travel to the island, which is well connected to Europe by home airline Air Austral, Air France and other international carriers should therefore make early bookings and not wait too long before the fully booked signs begin to appear.

The eclipse event is of the annular kind and occurs when the Sun and Moon are perfectly aligned and the apparent diameter of the Moon, smaller than the apparent diameter of the sun, then covers the sun. The latter appears as a very bright ring around the lunar disk including showing the popular ‘Diamond ring’.

Reunion is hugely popular for its adventure activities and among volcanic eruption chasers, with the Piton de la Fournaise already at its fourth major eruption this year. The island gained added prominence when a few weeks ago a wing segment of missing flight MH370 was washed ashore at the Eastern beaches of the island.

For more information about the island, its resorts, tourism activities like whale and dolphin watching and so much more click on www.reunion.fr