Achola Rosario searches for promises kept …


By Achola Rosario, Contributing Editor at

(Posted 02nd June 2021)

(Picture credit to Danson Kariuki, aka GURU)

A brand-new place has come up in Ruaka square promising all kinds of relief from boredom and COVID imposed solitude, offering shared workspaces with high-speed WIFI, and word about town was the burgers are to die for. Of course, when one mentions good food to me I have to personally investigate. I tried to set myself up on a date that would ensure my burger was paid for not by “moi”, but alas I was ditched like a dirty dish-rag and left looking rather pathetic. But the Good Lord is not unfair, and rescued me with flair, by sending the restaurant manager my way, and allowing me to pitch him coverage on The FOMO Travel Show and ATC News. To which he wisely agreed and told me to come back later that evening for their signature Saturday “Burgers and Cocktails Nite”, where you buy one burger and get a cocktail free. Who could decline such a succulent offer?

5pm prompt saw me, face on and camera ready, buttering up the bartender for extra shots on the house and schmoozing like the best of them with the middle-class clientele, comprised mostly of thirsty 30-something males and clearly not enough women to go around. I propose a shift in marketing strategy. An Instant Instagram corner run by in-house photographer Guru, a lovely bearded bear of a man with a girlish giggle. Ken, the wise manager was on constant rotation but did not stop him giving a little wiggle here and there to the sounds of DJ Jerry, and the other one whose name I forgot to get, but whose Kenyan club-bangers were masterfully mixed. More lighting is needed in the place however, creatively adorned and located in order to enhance the architecture of being at Penthouse level. This is not a “kafunda”, and those who want dark corners are wasting their lady’s make-up by being too cowardly to show her off. Darkness comes after, once you have spent enough.

The chicken burger I had was a decent thickness and full of flavor, but slightly dry. Perhaps some more sauce could be served with it on the side for those of us who like things juicy. The chips were thick and the coleslaw had plentiful mayonnaise. The bread was fresh and good quality, not the crumbly school-snack types I so love to complain about. And there was enough salad in the burger to make it a full meal in itself. I was also surprised to see them make continuous fresh batches of samosas, which came creatively garnished and tasted great! Kudos to the chef, and the lovely Assistant Manager Agnes with the gorgeous coffee-bean skin who seamlessly kept things flowing with an air-hostess smile at all times. It takes patience to be gracious in the face of drunk people. Something I personally lack. But that is a story for another day.

And finally, I was invited back the next weekend for their Friday Live Shownite, this time featuring Kanda King, a local celebrity who struck me as a cross between Martin Lawrence and Little Richard. I think it was the jacket, which I would have stolen if I had the courage to *actually* wear it anywhere, being that it was covered in black and silver sequins. His co-entertainer Lady Tasha gave a rousing rendition of a traditional Kikuyu song that had even my Jaluo-ness tapping my foot in response. I give the Kanda King and the Rhythm Band an A for effort. Hopefully in the coming shows, the crowd gets more impetus to actually get up and dance. But I was duly informed that the motivation for most was romance so let me take myself and my opinions elsewhere.

Wingu’s Bistro is now officially open for business. For bookings call:

Ken: +254 710 873 304

Agnes: +254 710 760 106

IG: @wingusbistro_ruaka

To watch THE FOMO TRAVEL SHOW EP68: Wingu’s Burgers and Cocktails:

To watch THE FOMO TRAVEL SHOW EP69: Wingu’s Shownite:

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Contact Achola Rosario via if you are interested to have your location featured on the F.O.M.O. Travel Show and on