AFRAA Air Transport Report Q1-2024: Sustained recovery trajectory and enhanced intra-continental travel facilitation


(Posted 27th August 2024)



The airline industry maintained its trajectory of recovery during the first quarter of 2024 with a rebound in passenger demand. However, the recovery was uneven across regions, with some areas experiencing stronger demand growth than others due to varying government policies and economic conditions.

Read More from the AFRAA Q1 Air Transport Report on:

  • Financial performance
  • Passenger traffic growth
  • Passenger distribution
  • Regional insights
  • Routes ranking by traffic
  • Airport Ranking by Passengers traffic
  • Airport Ranking by Freight traffic
  • Airport charges
  • Airport connectivity
  • Direct Flights Between African Countries
  • African countries connectivity and openness


Download the Full AFRAA Air Transport Report – Q1 2024



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