AFRAA announces SkyConnect Leadership Dialogues with Mr. Barry Kashambo and Cpt. Gilbert Kibe on Wed, 05 June at 11h00 UTC (14h00 UTC +3)


(Posted 01st June 2024)


Mr. Barry Kashambo, Former Regional Director, ICAO ESAF and Cpt. Gilbert Kibe, Former Director General, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority take centre stage at the June edition of AFRAA SkyConnect Leadership Dialogues session scheduled for Wednesday, 05 June at 14h00 EAT (UTC: 11h00).

Join us for a thought-provoking dialogue session with Mr. Kashambo and Cpt. Kibe as they share their views and thoughts on African aviation safety performance: progress made; the huddles and how to sustain the gains. With vast experience in their respective fields, the audience will be enlightened on the importance of adhering to and improving safety across the continent and also shed light on what should be done and by who for sustainable aviation safety

Highlights of the dialogue:
1. . The Abuja Safety Targets Roadmap
2. IOSA/ISSA/ISAGO programmes and their impact on airlines and ground operators
3. Building a Sustainable Safety Culture

Expect nothing but out-of-the-box thinking and far – reaching recommendations to shape Africa’s aviation.

Join us on Wednesday, 05 June at 14.00hrs EAT (UTC: 11h00)

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