The just reported directive of the Chinese government, prohibiting Chinese airlines from participating in any form or shape in the European Unions Emission Trading Scheme or ETC, has set not only China and Europe on a collision path but opened new hope for airlines from around the world presently blackmailed by the EU to participate in the scheme, like it or not.
While the EU threatens airlines not complying with severe sanctions and fines, to the point of denying landing rights, the Chinese governments directive is now binding on Chinese airlines, and no permission is expected to be granted to any of them to either join or raise fares or in any other way comply with the EUs demands.
This will probably bring matters to a head, as sources from the US are claiming the US government too is looking into ways and means to protect their own airlines in a similar way.
The EU would be faced with the stark option of either having to cave in and suspend the scheme for the time being, until a solution can be found, or else risk that should they deny traffic rights to airlines unable to comply their own European airlines be denied landing rights too in retaliation.
AFRAA, the association of African airlines based in Nairobi, had only recently denounced the EUs measures but so far found little backing from governments on the continent, all over cautious not to upset the Europeans for reasons of trade and aid. However, should China see their refusal to comply through, and America join that boycott, it would be easier for African governments too to jump on the band wagon and finally dare to speak up, not just in the corridors but the main arena.
Africas main airlines, Ethiopian, Kenya Airways, South African Airways and Egypt Air, to name but the market leaders, have had no choice in the matter and complied with EU requirements, but at a substantial cost which found its way into the ticket prices, as they were literally abandoned by their own governments for political considerations. It is understood though that they all would be glad to see the back of the present scheme and see a fresh round of deliberations take place first before either retaining the ETS in a different format or else bin it altogether until a globally agreed version can be introduced.
For now, and for a change, the worlds aviation hopes rest on the shoulders of the Chinese government and their ability to enforce their ban on their own airlines after throwing the gauntlet to the EU. Watch this space.