African Tourism and Hospitality Investment-ready workshop #ATHW2024 announces date change


(Posted 02nd February 2024)

The organizers of ATHW2024 wish to inform you that the new date for the African Tourism and Hospitality Investment-Ready Business Workshop ATHW2024 is now rescheduled to be held from  03rd to 05th of July, 2024.

ATHW 2024 is a 3-day in-person event and one of the most important channels
for capacity building in empowering MSMEs investment readiness in the African
tourism sector. The event will feature a grand lineup of unique coaches and
speakers, accelerator workshop, speed networking, business mixer, industry high-
level panel discussions, think tank stage for innovators and disruptors and
investors deal room. The workshop is strategically designed to provide SMEs with
the essential tools, business skills and knowledge that a business needs for
scalability and profitability. Participants of the accelerator workshop will also
learn from the experts the art of pitching a business to secure funding and attract
investors. The date is 3 – 5 July, 2024 Lagos Oriental hotel, Lagos, Nigeria.


Join them at the ATHW2024 if you are looking to:

  • Learn new skills to scale the business and grow your revenue
  • Gain valuable insights into industry trends that investors require.
  • Form new partnership and build business relationship among professionals
  • Provide resources to become investment-ready



Registration is now open to get tickets for the event – entire event for DAY 1, 2 &
3 is USD100 while the conference and networking event on Day 3 only is USD30.
Visit their website for tickets Home ( and contact them for more

Participants of the accelerator workshop will also earn certificate of completion
and get sign up for a 6 weeks personalized coaching/mentorship program with their
team of experts.