African Tourism Capital Award & Asian Tourism Capital Award – with tourism experts from both Africa & Asia


(Posted 11th August 2023)



Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization is a non-Government
body emerging from the International Conference held in Bandung-Indonesia
in 1955. And it is a global Non-Government Organization dedicated to the
principles of national liberation and solidarity of under-developed and
emerging countries’ people, spreading all kinds of love, peace, lenity and
development in all aspects. For that purpose, it was announced as an NGO in
the name of the Afro-Asian Solidarity Council and during the first conference
conducted by the organization in 1958 in its Cairo permanent headquarters,
Arab Republic of Egypt. And in the presence of 607 participants out of its
founding countries.

AAPSO main goal is sustainability. and the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) aim to transform our world. AAPSO call, is taking actions to end
poverty, inequality, protect our planet, and ensure health, justice and
prosperity of people.

AAPSO goals are in line with United Nations 2030 Agenda. The organization,
with the presence of this large number of members around the world, is
seriously working as a soft power to achieve the goals of 2030.
It has a special interest in supporting the tourism, investment, and health and
wellness sectors, it has established a special sector for sustainable
development. In order to achieve these noble goals, AAPSO has established an
executive arm, which is the African-Asian Union, (AFASU) to help achieving its
goals within Asia and Africa.

AAPSO is currently globally headed by Prof. Dr. Helmy El-Hadidi – the former
Minister of Health in the Arab Republic of Egypt, is the President of AFASUand it is under the financial and administrative supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt. He is assisted by his Vice President Alain St.Ange, who is the Head of Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy of Seychelles and the former succesful Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine of the mid-ocean island nation.


Dr. Hossam Darwish and Mr. Alain St.Ange



The Afro-Asian People Solidarity Organization (AAPSO) is a mass non-
government organization with national committees, and their members in
more than 90 countries in Asia and Africa and has associate member
committees in Europe, Russia and Latin America.

It is an associate, active and observer member in many major international
organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the
League of Arab States, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
and most organizations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
This is a highly significant global organization with a rich and extensive
background in African and Asian nations. It holds the distinction of being the
oldest non-governmental organization globally, with a widespread
membership that extends beyond Africa and Asia.


Dr. Hossam Darwish, one of the creators of the concept of the Arab tourism
capital that many countries vie for and take pride in, and in AFASU union has
create various accolades for the tourism industry. The most significant among
them is the ‘African Tourism Capital Award’ and the ‘Asian Tourism Capital
Award’, which are given annually to a city that meets the criteria established by
a committee of renowned tourism professionals in all aspects.


What is the African / Asian Capital of Tourism Award?

AFASU is keen to launch the concept of the African Tourism Capital, and Asian
Tourism Capital, as an annual competition and award in accordance with
several criteria developed by a team of experts and consultants, conforming to
international standards in similar sectors. Accordingly, the nominated cities will
be evaluated to win the best touristic city in the continents of Asia and Africa.
Being bestowed with this award means that the city has earned the highest
rating from a prominent committee of travel and tourism experts across all
sectors of tourism& travel industry. The ceremony of crowning the winning
tourism capital will be held in September/October of each year, whereby only
one city will be awarded over each continent as the winning city in the 2023/
2024 edition of the African and Asian Tourism Capital.


The aim of the award:

Promoting touristic destinations who strive to improve themselves to offer
tourists best possible experience.

A great marketing tools. The award highlights to tourists all over the world a
city that truly deserves a visit due to its exceptional offerings and commitment
to meeting international standards for quality in tourism.

AFASU aims to keep tourism ahead of the curve, the union plays a big role in
developing the tourism industry and supports this sector in the winning city
with in-person training sessions, digital educational courses… etc.
We will market the capital of tourism in cooperation with the winner city
utilizing all our tools.

The Capital of tourism city winner will be the capital of conferences, festivals,
security, and safety, and it is a completely safe investment centre for local,
regional an international investor. It will be the capital of events of all kinds.
It is the capital of tourism and the capital of attraction for large and small
investors and for small and medium companies.

Other Members of the AFASU Board include a number of influential tourism
personalities such as: Major General Hossam Badr El-Din, Mr. Kamel Abu Ali,
Dr.Adel Al-Maslamani, Mr. Enan Galaly, Dr. Jens Thraenhart, Ms. Sally Khattab,
Mr. Theodore Koumelis and Mr. Bernard Metzger.

AFASU union partners with a panel of travel &tourism industry experts, travel
writers and consumer travel buyers from around the globe, all are members of
the Afro-Asian Union AFASU, they meet to choose the winner of the African
and Asian tourism capital Awards from a compiled short list of nominated
cities who successfully matched the set-up criteria.

The AFASU Golden Awards Committee who will be moving with the ‘African
Tourism Capital Award’ and the ‘Asian Tourism Capital Award’ are:


Mr.Mohamed Farouk, Mr. Mike Ball, Mr. Sachin Bansal, Ms. Jacinta Nzioka, Ms.
Abigail Olagbaye, Ms. Zainab Ansell, Ms. Budi Mudi Astuti, Mr. Nicolas
Dubrocard, Mr. Raj Bhandari, Cap. Tarek Girtallah, Ms.Nehad Farouk, Dr.Dalia
Amin, Mr.Emmanuel Frimpong, Ms.Sophea Sok and Mr.Ahmad Fahad Al-Juaed.

The diversity of nationalities with relevant personalities coming also from
Africa and Asia gives credibility to the Organisation and to the Award.