(Posted 25th June 2013)
The turnaround at Air Seychelles, manifested through a million US Dollar profit after not much more than a year of partnership with Etihad, Abu Dhabi’s national airline, and marked by a rush of code share arrangements which now sees the HM code carried to more destinations than the ‘old’ Air Seychelles could ever reach, has continued after the results of this year’s Skytrax passenger survey has come to light.
More than 18 million passengers from around the world voted for excellence in the skies and lo and behold, Air Seychelles has made it to a podium finish.
Air Seychelles is now ranked as Africa’s second best airline, up by 8 places from last year’s 10th overall position in this category, and the airline’s staff is now ranked as the third best in Africa.
In the ‘most improved’ category Air Seychelles came in fourth, and the airline’s global standing is now position 56, up from number 133 in 2012.
Cramer Ball, Air Seychelles’ CEO, received the news with obvious delight and had this to say: ‘This is a significant achievement for Air Seychelles and further confirmation that the airline is moving in the right direction. To climb so quickly in the Skytrax rankings in such a short time is evidence of our team’s determination to be the best airline in the Indian Ocean and to fulfill Air Seychelles’ vision to be a high quality, profitable airline. The Global Airline Awards are based on traveller feedback, so it is pleasing to see that our customers are recognising the rapid progress we are making towards being the best airline in the region. The results demonstrate our commitment to training, our investment in our people and our product and further demonstrates the value of our partnership with Etihad Airways’.
The results will no doubt assist to further underscore the archipelago’s relentless drive to portray the Seychelles as a dream destination in the deep of the Indian Ocean, an experience which can now start as soon as passengers board an Air Seychelles flight from Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Johannesburg or Mauritius – and, not to forget, when flying across to Praslin island on one of the nearly 20 daily services from Mahe.
Watch this space for regular and breaking news from the Indian Ocean region’s vibrant aviation sector.