(Posted 01st February 2022)
Following the successful completion of the intense and comprehensive aviation safety audit, Air
Seychelles has once again been certified by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for the
completion of the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA).
The audit conducted last year in August which proceeded over one week, was for the first
time compared to previous years, held remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The rigorous audit, requiring intense planning, covered the airlines’ safety practices across eight
operational areas, including its flight, cabin and ground operations, aircraft maintenance facilities,
cargo, security management, operational control center as well as compliance and safety.
Having met all the global safety standards in-line with international practices, and remaining
compliant with aviation safety controls across all its operational functions, following this remarkable
achievement, passengers traveling with Air Seychelles can have the added comfort that the
airline complies with all applicable internationally recognized standards and practices governing
aviation safety.
The lead coordinator of the IOSA audit and Head of Management Systems at Air Seychelles, Gerard
Edmond said: “Every two years, Air Seychelles as an IATA member undergoes an in-depth audit to
verify if the airline is operating in adherence to global industry safety standards.
Whilst the IOSA standards are continuously being upgraded and adjusted, I am pleased that every
time the audit is conducted, recommended practices addressing any gaps at the initial stage, are
welcomed and addressed meticulously by the relevant teams, ensuring the airline is continuously
conforming to the most challenging industry standards.”
Commenting on this accomplishment, Acting Chief Executive, Sandy Benoiton also added: “The
safety of our aircraft, passengers and crew, remains our top priority in everything that we do, and
now having successfully renewed our IOSA certification, I must say that I am indeed very proud of all
the teams involved in the audit process for their professionalism and diligence throughout.
“I also take this opportunity to congratulate all the operational staff members for keeping an
exemplary safety record for Air Seychelles and for operating on par with safety standards that are
internationally recognized.”
Air Seychelles has been a member of IATA since 2006. The IOSA audit program is an internationally
recognised and accepted evaluation system designed to assess the operational management and
control systems of an airline.
IOSA uses internationally recognised audit principles, designed to conduct audits in a standardized
and consistent manner.