Airtel Tanzania offers special deal for tourists


(Posted 19th July 2014)

Airtel, one of Africa’s leading telecom operators with a presence in more countries than any other company, has just launched a tourist package in Tanzania of which visitors from abroad, shy of paying the often extortionate roaming fees, can take advantage.

Information received shows that a data bundle of 1 GB is part of the package as are 30 minutes of call time to overseas countries, 10 minutes call time for local calls within Tanzania and 10 text messages.

In line with regulatory and legal requirements can a SIM card however only be purchased against proof of identity through the presentation of a passport.

The new deal will permit tourists with smartphones to tweet, post Facebook comments, upload pictures and check on their emails, sharing with their loved ones at home and their social media community their wildlife experiences, locations of lodges and beach resorts as they travel across the country.

The package is valid for 30 days, more than enough for the average visitor’s stay in Tanzania and when returning home the SIM card can be put into a scrap book, or of course tossed on departure.

With Airtel also present in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, have questions already been asked when such packages will become available in the other countries in East Africa. Apps can now be downloaded on smartphones in Kenya and Uganda, allowing to browse the web for restaurants, places to see and be as well as events, all of course making a holiday experience so much more complete.

A leading destination app in Kenya can be accessed via available on the Apple Store and on Google Play for android phones while in Uganda the main app has been launched by Pearl Guides, as reported here at the time, and can be accessed via which is available for android powered smart phones. Happy tweeting and FB’ing for tourist visitors while on vacation, sharing their impressions and becoming brand ambassadors for the destination.