Alain St. Ange at #ITB2019 to address #PATWA2019 Conference


(Posted 08th March 2019)




Alain St.Ange, the former Minister of Tourism. Civil Aviation. Ports and Marine of the Seychelles was part of the invited speakers at the PATWA 2019 Conference held during the ITB Tourism Trade Fair in Berlin.

St.Ange took to the podium after Professor Jeffrey Lipman and spoke about Global Tourism – its Trends and Challenges.

The former Seychelles Minister said as he opened his address that tourism was doing well as was being confirmed by the UNWTO and by our respective counties. He saluted Greece for having moved their tourism industry as never done before, and for making sure it helped transform their economy. This he said in the presence of the Tourism Minister of Greece amongs many other tourism Ministers from the Community of Nations.

On the point touching on trends and challenges facing Global Tourism, the Seychelles former Minister spoke with his usual eloquence without any prepared text but relying only on his knowledge as he spoke from his heart capturing the attention of the delegates present.

St.Ange spoke about airlines, security, threats and wars as challenges facing countries way beyond their own borders and outside of their own control.

Others speakers who took to the podium after Alain St.Ange were tourism ministers from Jamaica and Mauritius as well as representatives from India and the CEO of PATWA himself.

A packed agenda of meetings awaited Alain St.Ange as he arrived at ITB Tourism Trade Fair in Berlin earlier this week.

St.Ange is meeting with colleagues of the Board the African Tourism Board and will address a meeting with them, but also meet a number of influential Tourism Leaders inclusive of the Secretary General of the UNWTO. He will interact with the promoters of ‘Africa Earth Lung’, a plan for our Kids Climate Friendly Travel over and above a number of country meetings where tourism destinations are seeking new visioning exercises.
The Seychelles former Minister St.Ange is also set to be attending the annual “Celebrating HER Awards 2019”, the event at ITB that honours the Extraordinary Women Achievers for their contribution towards the tourism industry.

Meeting a number of travel press on Opening Day of ITB 2019 Alain St.Ange said that he continues to value the Tourism Trade Fairs such as the ITB because it brings the world of tourism together. “We have to pick gather the benefits from such gatherings. The Fair Organisers bring us all to one location and each and everyone of us has the responsibility to get the benefits we are after” said St.Ange.