Alain St.Ange completes his 8th lecture of his 8-Lecture Series as he presented his home Seychelles


(Posted 04th April 2024)



Seychelles was the topic for the 8th and final lecture in the 8-Lecture Series by Alain St.Ange on a luxury liner as it cruises to Seychelles.

Alain St.Ange, who now Heads his ‘Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy’ is the former Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine of the Seychelles, has been cruising the coast of Africa giving lectures on the different African countries of each of the Port Calls. His personal contacts in Africa got many a Tourism Minister or Heads of Tourism board the ship for a visit followed by a meeting always aimed at further cooperation and for facilitating the ship’s shore arrangements when required.

Yesterday for his 8th and final lecture he moved on stage speaking from his heart about Seychelles, his island home before taking questions from the passengers.

Alain St.Ange has been on the luxuary liner for just under a month after boarding the liner in Durban cruising to Maputo, Mozambique Island, Mayotte, Comoros, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam and Mombasa. He will disembark in Seychelles in two days.

I had a great time cruising with great people” he said when asked by Kenyan press.

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