Alain St.Ange designated Ambassador at Large by Seychellois tourism entrepreneurs


(Posted 30th July 2024)



Dr. Alain St.Ange, a tourism consultant and former Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine of the mid-Indian Ocean Islands of the Seychelles who has been actively working across mainland Africa and the ASEAN Block was today designated as “Ambassador at large” for SSHEA (Seychelles Small Hotels & Establishments Association).

Tourism Industry Accommodation Units of under 25 keys in Seychelles is
reserved only for Seychellois entrepreneurs, and it is this association of local
tourism personalities who have surprised their island’s former Tourism Minister  by calling on him to help increase the visibility of SSHEA and its vision.

Dr St.Ange, who is about to fly out of Seychelles following an invitation to
speak at an event in London received his accreditation earlier today from Amb
Peter Sinon, the Chairperson of SSHEA following the approval of their
Executive Committee. “We discussed possibilities that could exist where he
could weave SSHEA in his presentation and afford SSHEA some visibility” said Amb Peter Sinon.

Dr. St Ange accepted and welcomed the initiative and promised to do his
utmost to introduce and enhance SSHEA’s visibility in the tourism foray that he
addresses henceforth said: “Visibility is key to success in tourism, and I
promise to do what I can to bring the message of the Seychellois tourism
entrepreneurs to the world of tourism.”

The Accreditation Document presented to Dr. Alain St.Ange read:
“In recognition of your unwavering dedication, exceptional leadership, and invaluable
contributions to the Seychelles tourism industry. Your visionary efforts have significantly enhanced the visibility and appeal of Seychellois managed accommodations, promoting sustainable tourism and enriching the cultural heritage of our beloved and pristine islands.
The Seychelles Small Hotels & Establishment S Association (SSHEA) hereby designate you Dr. Alain St.Ange, as its “Ambassador at Large” for the Seychelles Small Hotels & Establishments Association (SSHEA).
Your tireless advocacy and commitment to excellence have set a benchmark that
continues to inspire us all and for others to follow. We are deeply grateful for your support and proud to bestow upon you this honor.
With heartfelt appreciation and gratitude,
SSHEA Executive Committee
Date: 29th July 2024.
Amb: Peter Sinon Chairperson. SSHEA”

Mr Sinon wished Dr. St Ange the very best in his future endeavors.

Your comments are welcome and will receive a response in due course.