Alain St.Ange & Emmanuel Frimpong hold a Tourism support meeting in Ghana


(Posted 07th July 2023)


Alain St.Ange, the former Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine Minister of the Seychelles who these days heads his own Tourism Consultancy Business (Saint Ange Consultancy) has been working in Ghana since the early weeks of 2023. This week he was back in Accra, and after meetings with the Tourism Ministry he met with Emmanuel Frimpong of the Africa Tourism Research Network (ATRN), the body dedicated to advocating for higher standards in travel and tourism research, analysis, and marketing in Africa and for Africa.

The meeting refered to as a Tourism support meeting for Ghana and for Africa between Alain St.Ange & Emmanuel Frimpong touched on many aspects of opportunities that could mitigate challenges facing the continent.

They discussed African Heritage Monuments and Sites and how best to see them recognised as well as for Africa to write its own narrative if it is to ensure the unique selling points of the continent is pushed in tourism source markets.

The meeting that was called for by Emmanuel Frimpong analysed options available for Africa. After the meeting, Alain St.Ange said that some years ago the same topic of African Heritage was discussed with Ikechi Uko, the known and respected tourism personality of Nigeria “We know what needs to be done to help preserve what is dear to Africa and this is for us, as a Continent, to list African Heritage Sites and Monuments. If we are not seen to be moving why expect the world to do it for us,” said Alain St.Ange, a tourism specialist who is known for his pragmatism and proactiveness.

On the question of writing the narrative for Africa by Africa, the former Seychelles Minister St.Ange said that news that hits the world stage is bad news. “Good news rarely has the sensational aspect to makes it to world media, but our challenges, disasters when that strikes, or wars and conflicts that is seen as sensational news and this often clouds views and impressions on or about Africa” St.Ange said.

Emmanuel Frimpong on his part left the meeting with high hopes that more will be seen to be done by Africa for Africa.