Alain St. Ange helps build a bridge between Africa and Asia


(Posted 07th May 2021)

Alain St.Ange, the well-known Seychelles former Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, who is now the Executive Director of FORSEAA (Forum of Small Medium Economic AFRICA ASEAN) is currently on a working visit to Indonesia to help through FORSEAA to consolidate cooperation between the AFRICA and the ASEAN Block.

FORSEAA is actively working with small businesses partnerships from both sides to benefit economically especially at time when the effects of COVID-19 are being felt right across the world.

Through FORSEAA we are identifying selected items specially earmarked for export to Africa in the first phase with the hope that we can reduce cost of these same items in Africa and open a new trading avenue for innovative business entrepreneurs in Africa.This approach is very much in line with FORSEAA’s stated Vision & Mission Statements and it has pushed us to work with our network in Africa to help identify possible partners to open this trading avenue between the two blocks – AFRICA and ASEAN,” St.Ange told ATCNews.

Recently representatives of FORSEAA, led by its Executive Director, Alain St.Ange crisscrossed Indonesia touching key industrial cities to identify products to make the first list for this new FORSEAA led trade cooperation between the AFRICA and the ASEAN Block. “The enthusiasm on the ground was so evident and the welcome we got in city after city was just great. We now move our efforts to the cataloguing to get the ball rolling,” added St.Ange

Alain St.Ange who is also a Tourism Consultant in his own right has been meeting tourism entrepreneurs and hotel developers and working with them for the post Covid-19 readiness strategy that looks at rebranding, upgrading and replanning where and as necessary.