Angola’s Eco Tur offers new tour packages


(Posted 08th July 2017)

The main news: EcoTur has arranged a new trip (by air leaving Friday night returning Sunday afternoon) enabling those of you who want to visit Lubango and Namibe. Please see attached the brochure. First dates 14.15.16 July

Other upcoming trips (please reply to this email if you want more info)

8th 9th July – 2 day Kwanza Sul (Sassa Caves) ->

9th July – 1 day Safari Kissama & Rio Kwanza ->

14th15th & 16th July 3 days Lubango & Namibe (see attached)

15th July – 1 day Safari Kissama & Rio Kwanza ->

15th& 16th July 2 days Kalandula, Pedras Negras ->

29th & 30th July – 2 day Safari Kissama & Rio Kwanza ->

5th& 6th Aug 2 days Kalandula, Pedras Negras ->

6th Aug – 1 day Safari Kissama & Rio Kwanza ->

23rd Aug – 1 day Safari Kissama & Rio Kwanza ->

The above does NOT mean that Eco Tur will not offer other trips too, particularly to Kissama 1 / 2 days and Kalandula 2 day as trips can run simultaneously. So, if you want to do a specific trip let us know !

As ever, we will need our quorum of 6 adult pax to achieve normal published pricing on any of our trips.

CONTACT paul +244 923601601