guest writer Lillian Gaitho needs your help


(Posted 29th January 2018)


Lillian Gaitho is the undisputed star among the guest writers and swiftly rose to that fame after she began her contributions and became a household name for the readers of Eastern Africa’s largest publication of its kind.
Week in and week out did Lillian deliver her articles, giving insights into many segments of the regional tourism industry and how best to go about travelling, alone, as a couple and as families, how to pack and what to take along for the journey.
Lillian only took breaks when she was in the final stages of her pregnancies, but always returned to the writing business, until now that is.


Not long after having her third child last year was Lillian diagnosed with cancer, making it impossible for her to continue with her writing.
Lillian has since then gone on the record, seeking support from the public at large and maybe especially from her readers who enjoyed her contributions over the years, to help offset the rising cost of her treatment which has bled the family savings dry.
It is heart wrenching to hear from Lillian how she is missed by her children and baby as she undergoes treatment and in one quote she said: ‘Every morning, am told, my baby girl searches every bedroom in the house for me, calling out my name‘.


Lillian and I agreed to publish her appeal here and it is my sincere wish that those who read it make whatever contributions they can afford, small or big, as every single coin counts but so do your prayers for which she asked too.


Stay strong Lillian, we may not be physically at your bedside but you are in our all minds!