AviAssist Director Kok wins premier international safety award


(Posted 10th August 2023)



The Laura Taber Barbour Air Safety Foundation is pleased to announce Tom Kok, Director of the AviAssist Foundation, as the 2023 recipient of the Laura Taber Barbour Air Safety Award.


Kok, who has led AviAssist since 2008, earned the award for his dedication as the driving force behind the organization for a quarter of a century. The efforts have resulted in major aviation safety improvements across the African continent. AviAssist’s approach focuses on promoting aviation safety and making training available and affordable for every country based upon a common interest in safe air transportation across the continent. Kok’s passion for improving aviation through training and education led him to create a culture of safety that effectively bridges the differences between Africa’s diverse countries and their varying levels of aviation industry experience.


Kok leveraged his network in East Africa to establish the AviAssist Safety Promotion Centre, hosted by the University of Rwanda, rapidly generating interest from other countries wanting similar safety training centers.


His enduring vision is to help achieve the highest level of aviation safety for all of Africa. As he explores new paths to ensure his vision is fulfilled, Kok’s personal commitment paves the way.


The official presentation of the 68th annual Laura Taber Barbour Air Safety Award will take place during the upcoming 76th annual Flight Safety Foundation International Air Safety Summit, which takes place Nov. 6-8. 2023 in Paris, France. For more information on the event, see https://flightsafety.org/event/international-air-safetysummit-2023/


About the Laura Taber Barbour Air Safety Foundation and Award



On April 14, 1945, after visiting family in Pittsburgh, Mrs. Laura Taber Barbour was aboard a Pennsylvania Central Airlines DC-3 when it crashed into the rugged terrain of Cheat Mountain near Morgantown, West Virginia. All passengers and crew were killed.

In 1956, her husband, Dr. Clifford E. Barbour and son, Cliff, established the Award in her honor.

For 68 years, this long distinguished award has recognized those responsible for crowning achievements in aviation safety worldwide.

The Award was established through early association with the Flight Safety Foundation and from its founding has enjoyed a rich history of Award Board members, nominees and Award recipients.

In 2013, the Laura Taber Barbour Air Safety Foundation was formed from members of the Award Committee, the aviation community and the Barbour family. As the foundation plans to broaden the scope of its intent, with great purpose, the Laura Taber Barbour Air Safety Award will continue to spotlight those champions who pioneer breakthroughs in flight safety. For more information on the foundation, the award, and past winners, visit http://LTBAward.org