AviAssist invites readers to partake in survey


East & Southern Africa’s leading provider of
on-site aviation safety promotion courses

Independent | Non-profit | Innovative

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Help shape the future of safety promotion in African aviation
Dear ATCNews readers,

We truly appreciate your support to our safety promotion mission through your participation in our events and courses. You can now also help us with our mission in a different way, namely by completing a short survey. To start the survey, you can click on the ‘click here to start the survey’ button below. It will take you around 10-15 minutes to complete this survey. The survey is done in Surveymonkey.

Background to the survey
Aviation safety in Africa has made great progress over the past decade. But it still lags behind other regions of the world. Safety progress requires safety promotion. And access to safety promotion is not always easy and affordable. That is where the AviAssist Foundation comes in. We work with the African aviation industry in providing effective and affordable safety support. We have done that since 1995. We complement ICAO and other efforts at making states (more) self-sufficient at imparting safety promotion.

We have embarked on a new and ambitious safety promotion project and you can help us shape it. We are setting up our first AviAssist Safety Promotion Centre (ASPC). At the ASPCs, we will focus on learning, experiencing and researching for the pursuit of safety excellence.We will work on knowledge, skills and attitude. We are currently undertaking a feasibility study to help us shape our first AviAssist Safety Promotion Centre, the ASPC-Rwanda. The feasibility study is co-funded by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure, Amsterdam Airport and aircraft manufacturer ATR.

You and your organization are prospective customers of our ASPC-Rwanda. This means we are keen to learn what it you think the ASPC-Rwanda should focus on in terms of learning, experiencing and researching for safety excellence.

We would really appreciate it if you could complete the questionnaire.
We need your input by the 11th of March 2020 for it to be part of the feasibility study.

We are giving away 5 free tickets for the Safety in African Aviation conference in Johannesburg, South Africa from 18-20 November 2020 among the people that complete the questionnaire. If you want to have a chance to win one of those 5 free tickets, please make sure that you leave your contact details at the end of the survey so we can enter your name in the raffle.

Your responses to this questionnaire are fully anonymous. We collect only the answers to the questions and commit to keep your answers private at all times in the future. We will produce aggregate analysis of the answers, without any personal information even if you provide it. We will not pass your contact details to any third party. Nevertheless, we would appreciate you leaving your contact information, if you are OK with us getting in touch with you at some later point in time. At the end of the survey, we provide an option to enter your contact details.

Will you let me know when you have any queries or if any questions need further explanation? You can reach us at trainee.

Kindly click on the button below to go to the survey


The AviAssist team thanks you very much in advance for your continuous support in promoting aviation safety in the region!

About AviAssist
The AviAssist Foundation has been providing safety resources to the African aviation industry since 1995. Our mission is to provide effective and affordable safety support to aviation professionals.

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Better education – better professionals – better safety