Join us this coming Wednesday, the 5th of April at 12:30 Central African Time for another episode of the Focus Sessions. We’ll be talking about how to benefit from local ingenuity or workarounds.
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The criteria to qualify for a certificate of attendance are:
1) Scoring 70% or higher on the exit test of this and of the next 2 Focus Sessions within 24 hours of each episode
2) Complete your entry in the prize draw; and
3) Attend 100% of the event as logged in our online learning platform
Local ingenuity is all about finding workarounds that operational staff are using to fix a problem of conflicting goals (e.g. on time performance vs. safety). A workaround is a (temporary) fix that requires a genuine solution. How do we create an atmosphere in which we can learn about those bypasses of procedures? Learn, so that we can make our industry safer?
– Get great reading tips from our guests
– Have a chance to win US$100 in cash (Mobile Money)
– And much more
This episode of the Focus Sessions free to attend thanks to sponsoring by the Royal Schiphol Group.
Click on the button below for your FREE registration.
Increase the benefits from next week’s Focus Session by first watching the previous episode of season that was all about psychological safety. Click here to watch that episode. |