(Posted 19th February 2022)
Flight Operations in Africa Do you know what happens behind the scenes in preparation for a flight? Safely optimizing aircraft routes while ensuring compliance In this third episode of the Focus Sessions, we provide insight in the exciting world of safety and its professionals. In this episode, we’ll be looking at flight operations into Africa. What has improved in flight operations over the last 10-15 years? Are technological developments changing flight safety? What opportunities are there for further improvements? How can you safely optimize routes while ensuring compliance? And much more KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has been operating into Africa for over 70 years and is one of the co-founders of the AviAssist Foundation. Our guests will be Ben Uffen – KLM flight dispatch instructor, Capt. Menno Kroon (Chief Pilot of KLM’s Airbus 330 & Boeing 747 fleet) and Capt. Auke Dros (KLM Vice President of Crew Training). This edition is made possible with the sponsoring of Expert Africa – an award-winning travel company specialising in high-quality, tailor-made, sustainable safaris to East and Southern Africa since 1994. Can’t attend our live broadcast? Dont’ worry – we understand that you may have other appointments or you may even be on the way home for the weekend at that time. Register for the replay of the episode. The replay is broadcast one week later and will be available on-demand for one week. You won’t be able to ask questions and get feedback from us but you will still be able to watch the episode. Helpful links The AviAssist Focus Sessions AviAssist Foundation – www.aviassist.org in association with: AviAssist is powered by among others: |