#Aviation Safety Conference update

Dear ATCNews Readers, Dear Aviation Professionals,

We hope you and your loved ones are in good health and spirits in these very challenging times for us all and for our industry.
At the Foundation, we are keen to keep investing in African aviation safety with COVID-19 hopefully carefully subsiding. We realise that there will be a lot of pressure on safety now but even more so once our industry starts trickling back into action and costs have to be cut left, right and centre. We are keen to continue our safety promotion work and get our industry on a stronger footing once operations start normalizing again.

Mark your calendar for the 7th edition of our Safety in African Aviation (SiAA) Conference which is organised in association with the Flight Safety Foundation and aircraft manufacturer ATR.

The AviAssist Foundation invites you to submit your presentation ideas for this SIAA conference.
The SiAA Conference is Africa’s premier forum for the discussion and exchange of safety information for airlines & operators, airports, maintenance-repair-overhaul companies (MROs), civil aviation authorities, ATC, educational institutions and others.

You can participate as a presenter and share your ideas for improving aviation safety. If you are interested in being a presenter at Africa’s aviation safety conference, please submit a brief abstract (up to 250 words) and a 1-page resume or curriculum vitae including your contact information no later than May 15, 2020.

Each of the conference presentations aims to deliver specific information that can be applied directly to African aviation operations.

For complete information about the Call for Papers, a list of topics for presentations and a copy of the submission form and instructions, please see attached document or click here.

Exciting sponsor opportunities
There are also exciting sponsorship opportunities available. For more information about sponsor opportunities, please click here.