Book a bus trip and end up flying – only in Kenya


(Posted 04th October 2015)

In what can only be described as a stroke of genius marketing and PR ploy did Jambojet, the LCC subsidiary of Kenya Airways, make eleven bus passengers stare in disbelief, when instead of taking to the road to Kisumu they ended up at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, being checked in for a flight.

11 lucky passengers, who turned up at the Tea Room bus stop in the trading district of Nairobi, found out after they boarded their bus for a supposed 6 – 7 hour journey to Kisumu, that they were being commandeered by Jambojet staff to the airport, where a 45 minute flight on board a Bombardier Q400NextGen awaited them, safe, comfortable and no doubt a lot faster than having to travel by bus.

To top the goodies were they all given a 500/- Kenya Shillings voucher to purchase either food or drink on board of the aircraft with no top up required for their fare by air compared to what they had paid to go by bus.

This eye catching and headline making initiative comes at the right time as the airline was under the spotlight for not just the losses announced in the annual report of parent corporation Kenya Airways but also following a series of not so good reports in social and mainstream media.

Thumbs up therefore for whoever created the idea and saw it through, no doubt turning 11 bus travelers to future passengers on a Jambojet aircraft where fares, as long as well pre-booked, literally match those for long distance busses.