#BreakingNews as Victor Shitaka joins Pride Inn Hotel Group


(Posted 26th July 2018)


Victor Shitaka, one of Kenya’s most seasoned hotel managers, has thrown in the towel at Kenya Safari Lodges and Hotels where he was based at the Mombasa Beach Hotel but also oversaw Ngulia and Voi safari lodges.
He was brought on board a year and a half ago to turn the property around and a turnaround of sorts did in fact take place with key financials of the hotel operation going from deep red into the black figures besides restoring supplier confidence and meeting other targets.
But when the Board of Directors twice pulled the plug on most urgent major maintenance, upgrading and modernization, for reasons not understood outside the boardroom – which raises all sorts of questions about intent and purpose – was it clear that Victor did not get the support he needed and banked on when taking up the appointment.
Subsequently, and only days after meeting with the ATCNews.org publisher in Mombasa, did Victor resign his post and will with immediate effect join the Pride Hotels Group.


There he will initially oversee the rebranding and refurbishment of the Flamingo Beach by Pride Inn – acquired recently as reported here – to bring it up to the group’s standards though it is expected that following the completion of this task greater responsibilities will await him in the hotel group.
All the best to Victor on his new appointment where, given the support he will get there from CEO and board, he will no doubt succeed – while at the Mombasa Beach and KSLH the search for a successor must now go underway – given the state of the hotel a massive challenge for the recruiters.

