#BreakingNews as Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is attacked by hired goons


(Posted 16th April 2021)

Continued disputes perpetuated by interested parties – despite an official settlement of the matter last year – have reached a new level, as armed goons, reportedly hired from Kampala, attacked the offices of the Rhino Fund Uganda on the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, which is managed by RFU.
Reports from Ziwa suggest that the nearly two dozen goons were ferried by vehicle to the sanctuary where they forced entry and upon arrival at the RFU offices began to demolish offices and other infrastructure with sledge hammers, hammers, cicels, crowbars and machetes. Among destroyed items, according to one source, were computers, printers, screens, monitoring equipment to keep the rhinos safe while files were torn.

An immediate emergency call by RFU personnel led to the swift arrival of local police forces and other security organs, which arrested the group – among them reportedly a manager appointed by the land owner, who according to other information led and guided the goons. It would appear that some of the goons were found with prohibited drugs, another serious offense on top of the criminal trespas and destruction of property, illegal confinement of the RFU staff and other related offenses.

Surprised by the swift arrival of security forces did the goons quickly give up and surrendered to police before being ferried to the nearby police station.

RFU has not yet specified or quantified the damage done to offices and what was destroyed or lost but fuller information is expected later today at which time ATCNews.org will publish an update.

Notably did UWA rangers refuse to stand in the way of the goons, a situation which will no doubt lead to further investigations as to potential complicity, including searching for information if advance information was available to them about what was to happen yesterday morning.

ATCNews, long associated with the Rhino Fund Uganda, condemns these illegal activities in the strongest possible terms and joins other conservationists in Uganda and beyond for a full investigation and prosecution of those on the ground and the masterminds behind the attack.

