#BreakingNews #Aviation #PiborAccident #Update


(Posted 07th September 2020)

ATCNews welcomes feedback from readers, more so when it helps to put facts right and avail additional information about an event covered.
The recent accident at Pibor airfield, which cost the live of a young boy, prompted a reader to get in touch with ATCNews and the following added information was availed for publication, to ensure our readers have a complete and full picture of the event:

I have just seen your article regarding the sad and unfortunate incident with a Dornier 228 Aircraft 5Y-BRX in South Sudan.

Some of the facts are incorrect and we would appreciate it if you could amend the article or issue an update with the corrected information.

The aircraft in question is not operated by Kasas any longer, it has been operated by Transafrican Air and for several years now.

The incident occurred when the aircraft was parked and shutting down, not during the landing phase.

There was security at the airstrip to try and prevent crowds getting too close but they were unsuccessful in preventing one child from running toward the plane where he was struck by the propeller.

Humanitarian air operations into such remote, uncontrolled and unfenced airstrips are challenging on many fronts, including the limited control of people and livestock that present regular hazards to aircraft. Operators and NGO’s do everything in their power to control the situation but as evidenced by this tragic incident, efforts are not always successful.

I hope you can make the necessary changes and appreciate your understanding.

Best regards,

ATCNews appreciates the effort undertaken by our reader and expresses sincere thanks, for being able to update the information on the accident and provide a clearer picture of what happened.

A link to the initial article of 05th September is shown below:

ATCNews apologizes for any inconvenience cause by the initial article and has independently asked several aviation aircraft information websites to also update their details of ownership for this particular aircraft.