Brussels Airlines sets new passenger record in 2017


(Posted 11th January 2018)

Record passenger numbers for Brussels Airlines in 2017

Brussels Airlines ended the year 2017 with a total of 9,077,178 passengers carried on their flights, a record in the company’s 15 year history. The 1.3 million additional passengers were welcomed throughout the entire network. All sectors showed significant growth, with the highest increase recorded on the European network (+16.7%), followed by the Middle East (+14.3%), North America (+14.0%) and Africa (+13.2%), where the airline passed the 1 million passenger mark for the first time.
With Mumbai, Brussels Airlines opened its first Asian destination in 2017. The new route attracted 80,450 passengers since the first flight on 30th of March last year.

Brussels Airlines’ strong passenger growth is attributed to the increased productivity of its fleet, the replacement of Avro aircraft (100 seats) by bigger Airbus A320 (180 seats) and the integration of Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium’s activities.
On its long-haul network, the airline added an additional Airbus A330 to its fleet to operate the new Mumbai route and to increase the number of flights to African destinations including Entebbe, now served daily in combination with Kigali – six flights a week – and Bujumbura – one flight a week. Despite the pressure on airline ticket prices remaining very high in 2017 was Brussels Airlines able to continue to offer very competitive fares and attract even more customers.

Brussels Airlines invested heavily in its leisure offerings in 2017 and will continue to do so in 2018 as well, when the airline adds 26 summer holiday destinations to its network, thanks to the intensified cooperation with Thomas Cook Belgium.

The seat offer (ASK) grew by 14.5%, but the number of passengers grew faster, resulting in a seat load factor of 78.5%, the highest ever recorded for Brussels Airlines.

Brussels Airlines Cargo showed very positive results as the transported volumes grew by 22.6%and the cargo load factor increased by 10.3 percentage points, amounting to 67.7%. The cargo volumes increase is due to several initiatives to better forecast the belly capacity and therefore maximize the use hereof, and the addition of Mumbai as a destination.


  Year Year VLY difference in %
Total 2017 Total 2016
Flights 81,582 76,685 6.4%
Total Passengers 9,077,178 7,747,576 17.2%
— Passengers Europe 7,444,458 6,379,900 16.7%
— Passengers Africa 1,022,958 903,853 13.2%
— Passengers North America 331,294 290,517 14.0%
— Passengers Middle East 198,018 173,306 14.3%
— Passengers Asia 80,450 / /
Available seat-kilometers  (ASK) 19,425,209,619 16,969,546,031 14.5%
Revenue Passenger-Kilometers  (RPK) 15,257,102,851 12,693,728,415 20.2%
Passenger Load Factor (%) 78.5% 74.8% 3.7%pt
Available Ton-Kilometers (ATK)    2,317,515 2,019,449 14.8%
Revenue Ton-Kilometers  (RTK) 1,770,261 1,443,553 22.6%
Cargo Load Factor (%) 67.7% 57.4% 10.3%pt
These figures are based on preliminary data currently available



December 2017 Results:


December was again a month of growth for Brussels Airlines, although this growth was slowed down by the winter weather conditions and subsequent temporary closure of Brussels Airport on 11 December, which forced the airline to cancel 218 flights.

In total, Brussels Airlines welcomed 644,545 passengers on board its flights in December, an increase of 9.2% compared to the same month in 2016. Brussels Airlines was able to attract 6.6% more passengers on its European flights, thanks to its large network choice.
The slight decrease on the Transatlantic network (-2.6%) is due to the fact that there is a lower flight frequency on the Toronto route compared to 2016. The decrease on the Middle East sector (-6.2%) is due to winter cutbacks on the Tel Aviv route.

The significant growth on the African sector (+17.3%) is mainly due to the start of the intensified partnership with Thomas Cook Belgium in October, which added 5 new winter holiday destinations in North Africa to Brussels Airlines’ network.

Brussels Airlines Cargo recorded a significant increase in its transported volumes (+22.5%) and reached a Cargo load factor of 74.1% (+8.0 percentage points).



  Month Month VLY difference in %
Dec-17 Dec-16
Flights 5,491 5,987 -8.3%
Total Passengers 644,545 589,886 9.3%
— Passengers Europe 504,786 473,392 6.6%
— Passengers Africa 96,671 82,405 17.3%
— Passengers North America 20,931 21,483 -2.6%
— Passengers Middle East 11,819 12,606 -6.2%
— Passengers Asia 10,338   /
Available seat-kilometers  (ASK) 1,512,841,426 1,336,426,822 13.2%
Revenue Passenger-Kilometers  (RPK) 1,167,841,799 976,454,575 19.6%
Passenger Load Factor (%) 77.2% 73.0% 4.2%pt
Available Ton-Kilometers (ATK)    181,921 160,136 13.6%
Revenue Ton-Kilometers  (RTK) 139,569 113,901 22.5%
Cargo Load Factor (%) 74.1% 66.1% 8.0%pt
These figures are based on preliminary data currently available