(Posted 23rd March 2025)
Further to the initial information given did the Somali CAA issue the following statement. The number of those on board has now been confirmed to be five and non once survived the crash.
A Kenya registered DHC 50 Buffalo cargo aircraft, with four crew on board, reportedly went missing yesterday over Somalia.
The aircraft, registered as 5Y-RBA, MSN 109, operated by Lou Aviation of Juba / South Sudan, had taken off from Dhobley with no destination airport known as yet.
Social media reports seen speak of a crash near Jasiira not far from Mogadishu.
In recent days did the Al Shabab terror group make advances towards Mogadishu with heavy fighting reported and a connection between the crash and the ongoing conflict can not be ruled out.
Added information is awaited on the situation and when available will ATCNews provide an update on the missing aircraft.