Carry Your Yellow Fever Certificates When Traveling Across The Region

A timely reminder from Coastal Aviation

As crazy as it sounds, traveling across East Africa still requires
us to carry a yellow fever inoculation certificate. So when you do
travel across national borders, make sure you carry this important
document with you to avoid being harassed, possibly extorted but
for sure delayed and possibly given a yellow fever shot (if the
vaccine is in fact available)


Dear ATC Readers,

Coastal Aviation wishes to remind all our passengers travelling from the Maasai Mara to The Serengeti via Migori and Tarime need to have a valid Yellow Fever Certificate. Recently we have had many guests held up for over an hour at the Isebenia Border by Tanzanian Port health officials. These issues have been causing delays to flights and affecting other well prepared guests.

We do not like having to leave late passengers behind…but sadly, it may, in the end, have to come to that.

For more information, please contact julian

Kind regards,

The Coastal Flying Safari Team

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