Chengdu joins Air Mauritius’ China destinations


(Posted 04th August 2015)

Chengdu has become Air Mauritius’ fourth destination in China, after already operating twice a week services to Beijing, thrice a week services to Shanghai and a thrice a week service to Hong Kong. The added flight to China raises the annual seat capacity to over 130.000 combined on the four routes, underscoring the importance of this market not only for Mauritius itself but also for transit traffic to other neighbouring islands like Reunion as well as into Africa.

Air Mauritius has over the past years successfully implemented a cost and route cutting programme and shifted focus from some of its past source markets in Europe increasingly to China, and loadfactors appear to confirm that decision as the right way to go.

After the recent change at the helm of the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority will MTPA no doubt join hands with Air Mauritius and equally focus on such emerging markets to tap into the travel potential the Chinese market offers at present.