Chimpanzee Trust April Updates

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Here is the latest from the Chimpanzee Trust on Ngamba Island.

Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust News
for the Month of April


Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust

April 2014 bulletin

Give chimpanzees a chance to live
Donate now and feed a chimpanzee at Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary as you help us save the few left in the wild.
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We celebrate the life of one of our long term supporters, Ms. Christina Nakimbugwe. Christina succumbed to malaria last month at the age of 85. She donated the land on which we built the first and only community primary school in Myende fishing village (neigbouring Ngamba Island). She also donated 5 acres of land to construct a hospital for the community. The hospital project is still on-going. May her Soul Rest In Peace.

news_bustech_arw1.gif Chimpanzee leadership dynamics

The struggle for the Alpha position still continues; it is now clearly between two high ranking males Kalema and Umutama. The others like Kisembo were suppressed.

We have observed that Kalema has advanced over Umutama, he has enlarged his territory by getting more allies- adult chimps like Kidogo, Natasha and Robbie now bob for him as a sign of respect. With this support, he challenges his opposers like Maisko. In the past after too much pressure from Maisko he would run towards the fence and prepare to escape. Now he is not bothered by Maisiko’s moves but rather focuses more on seeking support from the other chimps if Maisko becomes a problem.

We however note that Kalema still recognizes and respects Umutama since the latter is still supported by the biggest sect of the very adult chimpanzees like Eddy, Maisiko, Megan.

Umutama also puts on powerful displays at times and during such displays, he is in control.

The two rivals try not to get in each others’ way and they dont engage in fights. For instance If Umutama enters into a room, Kalema avoids entering into the same room

news_bustech_arw1.gif Easter with the community
Fishing communities neighbouring Ngamba Island have three special days in a year to have a fun filled day at the sanctuary. This days are blocked off from other visitors. Easter is one of those days. This Easter children and adults took their boats out in big numbers- over 400, and sailed to the sanctuary to view the chimpanzees. Our staff too seized this opportunity to engage them in conservation education and wildlife games. It was a memorable day for the community.

Innocent Ampeire, engages the children
news_bustech_arw1.gif Farmers see benefits of PES
Farmers sort tree seedlings on a nursery

Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) as a conservation strategy is relatively new in Uganda. It’s taken a lot of time and education to convince farmers that it is not a land-grabbing tactic. (It has been a common practice in Uganda for people to pose as land developers but later manipulate local farmers who end up losing their land to the ‘developers’.)

Three years after CSWCT launched its PES scheme, we examine how the perception of private land owners has changed.

Read their reactions here

news_bustech_arw1.gif Staff updates
  • The staff had a general meeting to update each other on the progress of the organisation programs as well as build the team. Each staff underwent general health checks. In addition the veterinary team had a training to introduce the benefits of diagnostic pathology as an integral component in the value chain of wildlife medicine and management. This was done at Makerere University, Kampala.
For more information contact
Chimpanzee Trust
Email: info
Tel: +256758221880
Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust | Plot 1, Bank Close | P.O.Box 884 | Entebbe Uganda