Coastal Aviation’s Julian Edmunds announces his departure from the airline


(Posted 15th February 2018)


Changes at Coastal Aviation – a message from Julian Edmunds

You have recently received a message from us announcing our intention to discontinue certain flights and over the next several days you will receive more communication from us regarding scheduling and routing changes. I am happy to say that there should be no more flights being discontinued. These changes are part of our ongoing commitment to constantly review our own operations and deliver the best product possible.

Coastal Aviation is committed to constant improvement. Over the course of this year we will strengthen many other areas in order to significantly exceed required standards in our overall performance.

This is also a good time to announce that I will be stepping aside from Coastal and that I have resigned. I am also excited to announce the appointment of Shafiul Syed to the position of Managing Director. Shaf has some great senior management experience in aviation companies in Africa and elsewhere operating larger aircraft. We feel his skills will be truly valuable as we continue to develop our business while meeting the best aviation industry practices. Shaf joins us later this month.

Also, I would like to welcome Rob Prophet to the position of Chief Commercial Officer. Rob, like Shaf, has some great airline experience in Africa. I firmly believe that both appointments will give Coastal new dimensions to embrace, which will enhance our long standing existing products and values. Both gentlemen will have my full cooperation and support during a thorough handover process‘.

Julian Edmunds has been at the helm of Coastal for some considerable time and been the public face of the airline and reliable partner to the tourism industry and business community in Tanzania during that period.
He is also the present Chairman of Atta, the African Travel and Tourism Association which, while based in London, is the most active and inclusive business association for the African tourism, hospitality and aviation sectors.

From this correspondent go the best wishes to Julian and many thanks for years of constructive and trusted cooperation and as an important source of information about the aviation industry in not just Tanzania but also East Africa as a whole.