Colobus Conservation is asking for your help


Colobus Conservation Global Giving Campaign

Dear ATCNews Readers – it’s the season of goodwill so at the risk of abusing our relationship I am asking for your help on behalf of Colobus Conservation based in Diani on the south coast of Kenya. This is a not-for-profit organisation promoting the conservation, preservation, and protection of primates such as the nationally endangered (very cute!) black and white Angolan colobus monkey and their coastal forest habitat. The initial focus of Colobus Conservation was reducing ‘road kills’ by erecting ‘Colobridges’ over the roads but since their founding in 1997 this amazingly professional organisation has gradually expanded their activities to include a very successful “rescue, rehabilitation and return to the wild” capability, re-forestation projects, and, most importantly in my opinion, the education in environmental and conservation matters of over a 1,000 local school children each year during day-long visits to the Colobus Conservation headquarters. And it has successfully managed to be self-funding with no guaranteed regular support from government, local or international organisations to meet our monthly outgoings of approximately $5,000. But now, as chairman, I definitely know it needs your financial help!

For obvious reasons, 2020 has been a very strange year for most of us but the financial impact on Colobus Conservation of the Covid–19 has been shattering, to say the least! In a normal year, about 63% of our income is derived from tourists taking our EcoTours and overseas persons using us as a base for participating in various conservation projects. But since March these income streams have almost disappeared as international travel to Kenya has been restricted. The employees have made significant personal sacrifices by accepting major cuts to their salaries but inevitably the lack of funds is severely affecting our ability to carry out normal day-to-day operations critical to meeting our objectives.

Hence, we were delighted to hear that we had been selected by the international charity fundraising organisation Global Giving to be one of the beneficiaries of their 2020 Giving Season Accelerator programme which runs from 01 to 31 December with 09 December being a Bonus Day when if in the period 01 to 08 December we have already achieved donations totaling in excess of $5,000 we have the chance to benefit from a share of a $20.000 bonus. Hopefully by watching the short video on the work of Colobus Conservation by first clicking on View Project below then clicking again on the white arrow on the nose of the baby colobus or by looking at our website you will be convinced that this is a good cause and it is well worth making a donation to help us get through the next few months. And be assured that I will ensure not a shilling or dollar is wasted!

I sincerely thank you in advance in anticipation of your support and wish you and your loved ones a safe and enjoyable festive season and hopefully a return to normality in 2021.

Season’s Greetings, John

P.S. If you are in Kenya then making a donation is so easy as the donation page on accepts payment by MPesa as well as all bank cards.


Key facts and dates to remember:

  • 1st December – Campaign goes live and we kick start the campaign with #Giving Tuesday.
  • 9th December – 24hr Bonus Day.
  • 14th – 18th December – Monthly Donor Drive with new recurring donations during that period being matched.
  • 31 st December Campaign ends.