#ColobusConservation needs your help

Hi there,
I am writing to you today to ask you to help Colobus Conservation continue to rescue and care for monkeys during the Covid-19 crisis. Rescuing and caring for injured and orphaned monkeys has never been as difficult as it is right now.
dac691d0-5c86-4c1d-8151-21db75090fad.jpgWe received a call about a vervet monkey from
a local village in Ukunda who was spotted by a security guard from a nearby school. She was limping and had a metal chain link around her neck.

We immediately went to her rescue and when found she was seriously emaciated with a fractured arm and an injured tail.

She was given immediate medical attention at the center and was put in quarantine. Due to her injuries she was unable to lie down at the time and preferred to sit upright and tuck her little arms between her legs. Eventually she improved and started moving around and her bandages were removed.

Named Mrembo, which is Swahili for beautiful, she was introduced into the nursery where surrogate mother Tima was ready to take care of her. Mrembo is now on her journey towards rehabilitation
and hopefully will eventually be released back into
the wild.

Providing for Mrembo and the other monkeys currently receiving care at Colobus Conservation, as well as any new monkeys who may come to us in need of medical treatment or orphaned, is incredibly challenging in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis.
To protect our dedicated staff and the monkeys receiving care, the very tough decision had to be made to cancel our volunteer and visitor programs indefinitely. This has put an immense financial strain on Colobus Conservation as generous volunteers and visitors provide most of the income needed to rescue and care for monkeys in need.

Essential supplies such and fruit and vegetables are costing more during these troubling times, sometimes four times the usual amount. We are also having to purchase safety equipment for our devoted staff, like masks, gloves, and protective clothing. We also need to buy much more cleaning detergents and disinfectants. These additional, unexpected costs are depleting our budget and impacting our ability to rescue monkeys who have nowhere else to go.

Your support will save lives. By donating today you will ensure that Colobus Conservation can look after Mrembo and all the other monkeys in their care, but also any new cases that come to us during the Covid-19 crisis.

  • $20 will purchase disinfectant for one week
  • $50 will buy protective gear for one staff member
  • $100 will feed Mrembo and her rescued friends for a day
Mrembo currently undergoing rehabilitation at the center and has fully integrated with her new troop
Mrembo is receiving the best care possible and we truly hope she will be fully rehabilitated and fit to be released back into the wild, but your help really is needed to ensure we can continue to help monkeys like her during the Covid-19 crisis. Will you ensure monkeys like Mrembo get the care they deserve?
Thank you for compassion towards monkeys in need.
Nancy Mungania
General Manager

P.S. There is no time to wait. Monkeys need your help right now. Please make a donation today to provide monkeys with care during the Covid-19 crisis.