#ColobusConservation needs your support

Colobus Conservation is a not for profit organization that receives no funding from the Government and is highly dependent on volunteer income, income from Eco-tours and donations from the public which in total contributes up to 50% of our annual income.
With Kenya confirming its first cases of Coronavirus the Government has banned entry of all international flights from areas affected with Coronavirus closing our borders and issuing of Visas. We have had to postpone volunteer bookings and close down Eco-Tours with immediate effect. This has greatly affected our ability to take care of our primates and our 24hr animal rescue response due to limited resources. We have no way of knowing when this period of travel limitations will stop and worst case scenario this goes on for months. We are calling upon all our supporters, donors and sponsors out there to donate via this link https://www.colobusconservation.org/index.php?option=com_jdonation&view=campaigns&Itemid=662 and help us continue helping our primates during this difficult times. Any donation you make will be highly appreciated. Let us take care and remain strong during this unprecedented times.