Come November 29th it is all about birds in Uganda, those of the feathered kind


(Posted 10th October 2014)

Uganda will once again showcase her rich birdlife to Ugandan, regional and international participants in the 2014 Big Birding Day. The various activities this year are taking place between 27th and 29th of November, the Saturday being the main day to pile up numbers and on 05th of December when the winners will be announced in Kampala

One of the declared objectives is to break the 24 hour record sightings of 275 bird species last year in Mt. Elgon National Park.

Registration, for free, can be done at Nature Uganda’s offices in Naguru / Kampala in person or by email to bbd / info but also at all the main park and game reserve gates across the country. Notably is entrance into the parks and reserves FREE for those who have registered in advance, a splendid gesture of support by the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Like in past years will guides from the Uganda Bird Guides Club, the Uganda Wildlife Authority and of course from Nature Uganda lead nature walks besides heading the respective teams which participate in the 24 hours around the clock spotting event.

As in the past will domestic chicken not count nor will those who claim to have seen a Dodo be believed.

Once the 24 hour event is over will a joint tallying centre staffed by Nature Uganda and UWA personnel do the count and verify the individual and team results where necessary.

Winners, of course all participants are winners of sorts, will be announced at the Big Birding Day Festival on the 05th of December in Kampala and details about that day’s programme will be announced here closer to the time.

Uganda is one of the world’s greatest bird watching destinations with some 1.061 birds sighted and recorded in the past, a number which keeps rising as new species are discovered in the deep of Maramagambo Forest as well as new ‘arrivals’ which perhaps by accident find their way from the great rainforests in Congo into Uganda and make a new home before being spotted and re-confirmed. A Bird Guide Association was established to equip guides with specific knowledge on birds and their habitats, a move which has much enhanced the quality of ornithological safaris to Uganda. For added information on the two main promoters of the event visit and

2 Responses

  1. I like guides from the Uganda Bird Guides Club, the Uganda Wildlife Authority and of course from Nature Uganda lead nature walks besides heading the respective teams.