Conservation Action News from around the world …

Conservation Action Trust
BREAKING NEWS: Bear bile farming to be eradicated in Vietnam by 2020

21 September 2015 | ||

Animals Asia has called on all stakeholders to make a commitment to ending bear bile farming in Vietnam by 2020. It follows today’s announcement by Vietnam’s Traditional Medicine Association that says its members must continue to pursue alternatives to bear bile and has promised a complete end to its use by 2020. The announcement came … Full Story ?

Wildlife Trade Experts Oppose Use of Synthetic Rhino Horn as Anti-Poaching Measure

22 Sep 2015 | annamiticus | Rhishja Cota-Larson |

HANOI – A coalition of wildlife non-governmental organisations actively combating the illegal rhino horn trade has declared its opposition to the use of bioengineered rhino horn as a measure to curb poaching. Selling synthetic rhino horn risks removing the stigma of rhino horn consumption and creating unnecessary obstacles for law enforcement. The coalition, which includes … Full Story ?

East African Smugglers Push Ivory Out of the Continent

September 18, 2015 | A Voice for Elephants, National Geographic | Laurel Neme |

Elephant poaching and ivory trafficking in East Africa is driven not only by foreign consumers but also by African nationals who actively “push” ivory to these markets. A recent report, Pushing Ivory Out of Africa: A Criminal Intelligence of Elephant Poaching and Ivory Trafficking in East Africa, released July 20 by Global Eye and the … Full Story ?

Pushing Ivory Out of Africa: A Case Study from the Field

20 July 2015 | Wildleaks | Elephant Action League |

A CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS OF ELEPHANT POACHING AND IVORY TRAFFICKING IN EAST AFRICA This case study takes data directly from the field collected by Global Eye and Elephant Action League assets who infiltrated four elephant poaching and ivory trafficking networks in East Africa. What we found is in some respects at odds with the accepted … Full Story ?

Hunters’ bonanza

21 September, 2015 | Timeslive | Graeme Hosken |

Controversial government recommendations could soon lead to the legalisation of the hunting of some of South Africa’s most endangered wildlife, including lion and leopard.  Animal rights groups have slammed the Department of Environmental Affairs for suggesting that several species are not as threatened as previously thought. They are concerned that this could open the way … Full Story ?

This Lion Expert Was Banned From Tanzania for Exposing Corruption

WED SEP 16 | National Geographic | Simon Worrall |

A conservationist writes about the battle to save Serengeti’s Lions. The killing of Cecil the Lion by American dentist Walter Palmer caused outrage across the world. But trophy hunting is just one of the problems facing the African lion. Exploding populations, ancient tribal rituals, and now corruption mean that our grandchildren may never experience a … Full Story ?

Global March for Elephants and Rhino Sat 3 Oct Kirstenbosch

25 September 2015 | | CAT | Free to republish

The Global March for Elephants and Rhino’s is happening in a city near you on October 2nd, 3rd or 4th 2015. We will be marching at Kirstenbosch Gardens in Cape Town at 11am on the 3rd October. Please see the images below for directions and details. Full Story ?

A disgraceful era in the treatment of chimps ended on Monday, September 14

15 September 2015 | The Dodo | Stephen Messenger |

After decades of being forced to endure pain and suffering in the name of science and entertainment, hope has finally arrived for our closest primate cousins. As of Monday, September 14, all chimpanzees are now protected as “endangered species” — bringing an end to the most shameful era of normalized exploitation and abuse against these … Full Story ?

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