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Conservation Action Trust
Lion trophies just a drop in vast exotic species trade

AUGUST 29, 2015 | Star Tribune | Jennifer Bjorhus |

The bounty includes shoes fashioned from caimans and pythons, coral cut from reefs for aquariums and jewelry, turtle cartilage for soup, iguanas for pets, elephant ivory piano keys, teeth from hippos, sperm whales and grizzlies. Millions of specimens of vulnerable wildlife — whole plants and animals and their parts — enter the United States each … Full Story ?

Elephant Killings in Chad’s Signature Park Cause Alarm

01 September 2015 | National Geographic | Laurel Neme |

After three years of zero poaching in Zakouma National Park, killing of two female elephants shows no population is safe. A routine aerial surveillance flight over the western part of Chad’s Zakouma National Park has uncovered the deaths of two female elephants and their calves in what officials say is the first poaching incident there … Full Story ?

Blood Lions Review

August 28, 2015 | Die Burger | Tony Weaver |

THREE weeks ago, I stated in this column that objectively, Cecil the Lion “has achieved far more in death than he ever achieved in life… His death has brought into sharp profile the declining numbers of lions in the wild in Africa; (and) it has shone a bright light on the hunting industry and the … Full Story ?

Seabirds ‘blighted by plastic waste’

31 August 2015 | BBC | Jonathan Amos |

About 90% of seabirds have eaten plastic and are likely to retain some in their gut, a new analysis estimates. The study concludes that matters will only get worse until action is taken to stem the flow of waste to the oceans. Researcher Erik Van Sebille says the oceans are now filled with plastic and … Full Story ?

KZN Cheetah petting park closed to visitors after attacks

27 August 2015 | | Don Pinnock | Free to republish credit CAT

Following attacks on a child and two women by cheetahs at KwaCheetah ‘petting park’ in KwaZulu-Natal, Ezemvelo authorities this week suspended all non-staff access to the facility. On June 28 Lesley-Ann Marais was bitten on her arm during a cheetah encounter. On August 5 Glen Dixon (72) was thrown to the ground by a ‘tame’ … Full Story ?

Raised in cages to be hunted as trophies like Cecil, and so used to humans that they think their killers are bringing them food – the haunting fate of South Africa’s ‘canned’ lions is exposed

24 August 2015 | Daily Mail | Martin Gould |

– Fresh outcry expected over fate of greatest of Africa’s big cats as new movie is released about ‘canned hunting’ – Blood Lions will be screened next month on PBS and shows how hundreds of lions are raised to be shot as trophies – They spend their lives in cages then taste just a few … Full Story ?

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