Corporate Council on Africa News Updates


Business Environment: The President of the Corporate Council of Africa (CCA), Ms. Florie Liser received in audience by the CGECI Vice President, Mr. Ahmed CISSE
A delegation of the Corporate Council of Africa (CCA) composed of Mrs. Flore Liser, and Mr. Biova Kabine, respectively President and Director of Investment and Infrastructure of the said institution made a friendly and working visit..Read more>>


New solar projects on Romainville Island next step in Seychelles’ renewable energy march

Seychelles News Agency
Two solar projects that will produce one and five megawatts of electricity are expected to be built on Romainville Island off the main island of Mahe…Read more>

Wind energy adoption in Africa
ESI Africa
During an interview at African Utility Week this year, Tony said although Africa is a small market compared to other regions, it has to date accumulated 4,5GW of wind energy compared to the globe’s total capacity of 539GW…Read more>>


US$1 Trillion Infrastructure Investment Opportunity in 10 Compact with Africa Countries
Financial Post
A new report released today by the Global Infrastructure Hub, a G20 initiative, has revealed an infrastructure investment gap of US$1 trillion in 10 Compact with African countries…Read more>>

Africa’s on the move; time to get aboard that train

The East African
On Tuesday this past week, three of the East African Community’s chiefs – Presidents Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, and Paul Kagame of Rwanda – met in Nairobi for a summit of the Northern Corridor Integration Projects…Read more>>


Tanzania, Burundi to go solo in tourism

The East African
Tanzania and Burundi have received the green light to market some of their tourist attractions individually rather than under the joint initiative of the East African Community…Read more>>

Uganda: Cross Border Tourism Campaign Launched
The Hashers, a cross border community association, has launched a new campaign aimed at promoting tourism and trade….Read more>>