Corporate Council on Africa News Updates


CCA President and CEO Visits Nigeria and Kenya ahead of U.S.-Africa Business Summit
Corporate Council on Africa’s (CCA) President and CEO, Ms. Florizelle Liser met with key stakeholders in the public and private sector during her recent visit to Kenya and Nigeria… Read More>>

Four Heads of State Confirmed | U.S.-Africa Business Summit

Corporate Council on Africa is honored to announce that the following Heads of State are confirmed to speak at the 12th U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Maputo, Mozambique on June 18-21, 2019…Read More>>


Africa: 32.9 mln jobs to be created in the tourism sector by 2029 (the WTTC)

Ecofin Agency
Economies should also benefit from the financial inflows provided by those tourists.
For instance, in 2018, tourists spent about $58.5 billion in the continent (70% in the
tourism and leisure sector while the remaining 30% were recorded in….Read more>>